Last Thursday, the Seattle Nice podcast crew came and recorded a podcast at HLCC. The 3 podcasters, David Hyde, Erica C. Barnett and Sandeep Kaushik discussed issues pertaining to the Aurora/99 corridor in North Seattle near our neighborhood with a focus on what the Seattle city government can do about some of the issues. If you weren't there, check out this zoom recording . You can also listen to the podcast on your favorite podcasting platform: " Seattle Nice Live! Street prostitution, crime and drugs on Aurora Ave "
HLCC hosted a full audience for a presentation from Seattle Needs Trees at last night's HLCC general meeting. Seattle Needs Trees presented on the issues caused by tree canopy loss in Seattle and how the new Seattle Tree Ordinance will cause further loss of tree canopy. Did you know that Seattle is in the Top 5 for cities with growing "heat islands"? Did you know that the new Seattle Tree Ordinance will allow developers to pave 85% of new lots with hardscape (asphalt)? Randy Harkness MC'd the event and reminded the community of a few things: The HLCC Board Nominating Committee is getting under way Food bank donations are always welcome HLCC Dance Nights are going well. Check our events for the next times. Presenters included Meegan McKiernan, Julia Shettler, Sandy Shettler and June BlueSpruce. There is a recording of the presentation here: Seattle Needs Trees Zoom Recording The recording allows you to the speaker. But, here is a separate l...
An SDOT team came to HLCC to present on and answer questions about 2 projects: 1st Ave NE Shared-Use Path NE 130 & NE 125th St. Mobility and Safety Project There was a lively Q&A with the audience for this presentation. The audience consisted of about 40 people in person and about 10 people on the Zoom Here are the slides that were presented by the SDOT team Here is the Zoom Recording of the presentation and includes the Q&A
SPD North Precinct Advisory Council Expanding Communication between the Police and Community NPAC MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES February 7, 2024 Recorded by Leon Seaman Please share this information with your neighbors, neighborhood organizations and businesses This month’s meeting was conducted on Zoom, Katy Dwyer presiding. She opened the meeting at 7:08pm, welcoming presenters, members, and guests. • Thanks again to University Masonic Lodge for covering the cost of our Zoom License. • The meeting will be recorded, and the recording made available for public viewing. Topics covered: 1. Acting Chief Amy Smith of Seattle’s new CARE Team (Community Assisted Response and Engagement) a. Personal background : 1) I’ve been in this role almost a year; have had a 27-year career in non-profit work, child-welfare, mental health provision, foster care, etc. I lived in Seattle’s central dis trict, but was in the ...
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